A downloadable game

John Harper's Blades in the Dark got a surprise refresh when he suddenly dropped Deep Cuts in late 2024. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the very innovative but also (imo) more complex Threat Roll as an alternative to using the Action Roll. And so doing up this sheet was my way of learning the rules, while also having something to pull out at the table

I hope this reference sheet is helpful to you in some way! Its meant for use at the table. I print it out on A3 or A4, and use two tokens to indicate position and effect. I also organised the text and reworded from the supplement so it reads more procedurally. I would love to hear about your experience running the game with this reference sheet. Leave a comment below if you have any stories to tell or feedback on the sheet. Thanks!

Published 11 hours ago
CategoryPhysical game
AuthorOwl Ghoul Games


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Thank you for making this! Always love when information design makes things easy to digest and use at the table